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Music Theory - Beginners


Designed for pre-school age group


Learn how to play songs with this app!


Run, jump and roll to the beat!

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Music History 


Introduction to classical music for children aged 4 and above.


A comprehensive set of music history flashcards

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Learn about rhythm and how it is written with music notation


Traditional solitaire game gets a musical twists

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Music Theory - Intermediate / Advanced 


A ear-training app only available for iOS Devices


It's a music theory essential!


Only available for iOS devices

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Note Recognition


Noteworks makes note recognition practice easy and fun


Another fun way for kids to learn and practice reading music notes

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Can't decide which scale to warm up with first? Try this!


Read any music scores from an ipad - great for traveling!


Have you ever heard a song on the radio and want to play it? Use this app to slow down any song in your itunes and learn to play by ear!


Most awesome app that comes free...make some music with friends and family at home!


Music Notational App


Create some crazy sounds on this app!

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